Does React Use TypeScript?

Does React Use TypeScript

React allows you to create reusable components that can render dynamic data and handle user interactions. React is written in JavaScript, which is a flexible and expressive language, but also a dynamic and weakly typed one. This means that JavaScript does not check the types of variables, parameters, or return values at compile time, and it allows you to change the type of a value at any time. Does React use TypeScript? Read this insightful article to find out.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static type checking and other features. Static type checking means that TypeScript can verify the types of your code before it runs, and report any errors. It also adds some features that are not available in JavaScript, such as generics, enums, decorators, and interfaces. These features can help you write more robust and maintainable code, and also enable better code completion and documentation in editors and IDEs.

But does React use TypeScript? And if so, why and how? In this article, we will explore these questions and see the pros and cons of using them both.

Does React Require TypeScript?

The answer is: no, React does not require TypeScript. You can use React with plain JavaScript, and many React developers do. React does not depend on any specific language features or syntax, and it works well with any JavaScript version or flavor. You can use React with ES5, ES6, ES7, or even experimental features, as long as you use a transpiler, such as Babel, to convert your code to a compatible format.

However, React does not prevent you from using TypeScript either. Question is Does React use with typescript? You can use TypeScript to write your React components, and vice versa. TypeScript is there to write your Redux actions, reducers, selectors, sagas, thunks, or any other part of your React application.

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Why Use TypeScript with React?

So, if React does not require TypeScript, why would you use it? What are the benefits of using them? Here are some of the main reasons:
  • TypeScript can help catch errors and bugs at compile time, rather than at runtime. This can save you time and frustration, and also improve the quality and reliability of your code. TypeScript can prevent you from passing the wrong type of props to a component, or calling a method that does not exist on an object, or returning a value that does not match the expected type.
  • TypeScript can provide better code completion and documentation in editors and IDEs. This can make your development experience more pleasant and productive, and also help you avoid typos and mistakes. For example, TypeScript can show you the available methods and properties of an object, or the required and optional props of a component, or the type and description of a parameter or a return value.
  • TypeScript can make the code more readable and maintainable by enforcing consistent coding style and structure. This can help you and your team to follow best practices and conventions, and also make the code easier to understand and modify. For example, TypeScript can enforce the use of semicolons, curly braces, indentation, and other formatting rules, or the use of interfaces, classes, modules, and other organizational units, or the use of strict mode, strict null checks, and other safety measures.
  • TypeScript can enable more advanced features, such as generics, enums, decorators, and interfaces. These features can help you write more expressive and powerful code, and also leverage the full potential of React. For example, generics can help you create reusable and type-safe components, enums can help you define and use constants and literals, decorators can help you add metadata and behavior to your code, and interfaces can help you define and implement contracts and specifications.

How to Use TypeScript with React?

So, does react use typescript? There are two main ways:

  • You can use [create-react-app], which is a tool that creates a React project with a preconfigured setup, including TypeScript support. You just need to add the --template typescript flag when creating the project, and you will get a React project with TypeScript enabled. This is the easiest and most convenient way to use these both, especially if you are starting a new project.
  • You can use [Next.js], which is a framework that provides server-side rendering, routing, and other features for React applications. Next.js also supports TypeScript out of the box, and you can use it by creating a tsconfig.json file in the root of your project. This is a more advanced and flexible way, especially if you need more control and customization over your project or you want to use some of the features that Next.js offers.

Both create-react-app and Next.js are easy and convenient ways to use TypeScript with React. You can also use other tools, such as [Webpack], [Babel], or [Parcel], to configure your own TypeScript setup for React. Use other frameworks, such as [Gatsby], [React Native], or [Expo], that support TypeScript and React. Libraries should be used, such as [React Router], [Material UI], or [Ant Design], that are compatible with both.


In conclusion, React does not use TypeScript by default, but it can benefit from it in many ways. TypeScript can enhance the development experience, the code quality, and the application performance of React projects.

TypeScript also has some drawbacks and trade-offs, and it is not a silver bullet. Therefore, whether to use them or not is a matter of personal preference and project requirements. Does React use typescript, you have several options and tools to choose from that suits your needs and goals.

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